Kellie M Becker
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evolving together…


Hurt to Healing

I grew up in an intense environment filled with violence, physical and sexual abuse all intertwined within my family. After enduring years of abuse, the perpetrators were thrown in jail and I spent the remainder of my teens in the foster care system. 

Despite the odds, I fulfilled my dream and earned my Masters in Social Work. My career started at the United States Capitol working on foster care and health care policy, and continued at the grassroots with the Kansas foster care system, helping children and teens navigating care transitions. 

My deepest desire is to not only share my story to help you rumble with your own but to use my personal and professional experiences to help you heal. 

Sometimes during the violent acts committed against me, my intuition made this vision clear: help others escape abuse and start living as a survivor by connecting with their truth and heal. I am a firm believer we can work to reprogram our conditioning in order to restore our souls and feel empowered to walk towards our ultimate desires in life.

I know the fear and doubts you’re feeling, because I’ve lived with them myself. The work is messy but 100% worth it, because you getting to live the life you deserve is worth it.

So reach out, take my hand… and we’ll navigate this journey together.

On a lighter note

I love lingering in my PJs #slowmornings while journaling, reading, and letting my creative juices flow. I love nature, traveling, and being active. And your girl is currently living her best life in Hong Kong as an expat. That and along with many years of healing, she’s finally found that level of abundance and post traumatic growth so many talk about. 🩷 :)

@Kelliembecker YouTube

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Dive in…


“Owning our story and loving ourselves through the process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do”

- Brené Brown


 It’s time to breathe better…

Are you in need of a reset? A mind, body, soul cleanse? Then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve created a FREE 30 day cleanse just for you. We’re removing toxins inside your body as well as your environment. We’re shedding the old you to make room for the new you and I’ll help you dive deeper within. We’re gonna get you thinking about how you want to live your life too. A fun 30 day challenge preparing you for the year to come!

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  Featured on…

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Worked with…

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